Give peace a chance!

peace stones

How come there are people demonstrating in the streets in so many countries at the same time?

It is for sure not just because of a higher bus fare, a new shopping center, a TV station closing, unemployment, poverty, corruption… but it sure is about all of that coming together, creating an every day life unbearable  for the vast majority of the world’s citizens.

And still I don’t see the politicians sit back and reflect, what have I done wrong? what can I do better? how can I help my society?

I doubt that any of them ever has such simple thoughts, I am convinced that all they can think about even now is:

How can I get more money? more power? more fame?

I do think they should change their attitude rather fast, before it is too late…

The sky(pe) is the limit

CNT Rio del la Plata 13June 2012 pilotage dense fog 2

You left again today.. now it’s back to communication with sms, a satellite phone call once in a while and skype in the ports, where available.. for how many months? who knows..

Talking to friends and relatives they try to convince me that now, with all the new ways of communication things are not as bad.. it used to be so much harder just a view years ago, seamen wouldn’t get the news, good or bad until they returned, they would miss out on the most important events in their families, babies being born, people dying, wars starting…

So yes, they are right, it is much easier now, you can even celebrate a birthday over skype, with the birthday cake and a song in front of the computer screen, for the other to realize that he’s not forgotten..

And if there is someone out there finding a way to make communication ON the ocean easier and cheaper, I will be forever grateful!


by Nikos Kavvadias (Greek Seaman and Poet 1910-1975)

That first trip – a southern freight, by chance –
no sleep, malaria, difficult watches.
Strangely deceptive, the lights of the Indies –
they say you don’t see them at a first glance.
Beyond Adam’s bridge, you took on freight
in South China – soya, sacks by the thousand,
and couldn’t get out of your mind for a second
what they’d told you in Athens one wasted night.The tar gets under your nails, and burns;
the fish-oil stinks on your clothes for years,
and her words keep ringing still in your ears:
“Is it the ship or the compass that turns?”You altered course when the weather turned,
but the sea bore a grudge and exacted its cost.
Tonight my two caged parrots were lost,
and the ape I’d had such trouble to train.The ship! – it wipes out all our chances.
The Kuro Siwo crushed us under its heel,
but you’re still watching, over the wheel,
how, point by point, the compass dances.

A picture like a 1000 words

Aerial View of Acropolis of Athens

If you haven’t decided where to spend your vacation this summer, watch this video and I am sure, Greece will be on top of your list:

No news is good news!

TV Athens

 ‘One of the basic troubles with radio and television news is that both instruments have grown up as an incompatible combination of show business, advertising and news. Each of the three is a rather bizarre and demanding profession.’ (Edward R. Murrow 1908-1965)

Athens is a great place to have coffee, and when I say coffee, I mean sitting around, talking, having intensive discussions about important matters, getting to know some new acquaintance, or just enjoying the beautiful sea view, or observing the guests coming and going.

This is what I did yesterday and I thought to myself that everybody seemed so relaxed, calm and even happy. It seemed strange but also very positive with all the bad news about Greece on TV, on the radio, in Greece and worldwide.

Then it occurred to me that all these people must have stopped watching the daily news, just as I have done, months ago!

Why do journalists presenting the news have to put on that sad and worried face, the face that makes you upset and disturbed even before they start talking?

Then, all they say is the bad things going on in the country, the corruption, the pain, the dead-end it has come to…so you simply stop hoping, trying or feeling happy, which leads to a worse psychology and even less hope for the future.

If you don’t listen to the reporters on TV anymore you start feeling better right away! You don’t get manipulated by it, you rely on your own power, will and strength!

They cannot influence your creativity, your inspiration and your positivism.

I don’t mean that we should shut our eyes to what is going on around us, or to be ignorant, not at all.

Just to filter the information, even if it is just reading headlines on the internet, as a given fact, without all the discussions and negative comments that bring us to a point of no return.

Like Murrow said:

‘This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and even it can inspire. But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends. Otherwise it’s nothing but wires and lights in a box. There is a great and perhaps decisive battle to be fought against ignorance, intolerance and indifference. This weapon of television could be useful. ‘(Edward R. Murrow 1908-1965)