Think positive!

Statue Base-2

About 25 years ago I was working on a cruise ship and every night one of the performers used to close the show with the same sentence: ” Thank you and THINK POSITIVE”!

At the age of 20 something it didn’t mean much to me, or my colleagues, because we were young, we were free and the world belonged to us!

Getting older and realizing that life is not that easy after all,  I started remembering this sentence  every now and then.

Now, with the crisis that has effected us in Greece and other countries so very much, I think and I say it every day: “THINK POSITIVE!”

But then I get answers like: ” how can I, when there is nothing left of my old life?”  ” when everything I do is for nothing?”  ” when every new day is worse than the one before!”

It’s true, what can I answer? Except for: be strong, be patient and remember: IT IS ALWAYS THE DARKEST BEFORE THE DAWN!

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